Sunday, November 9, 2014

                                      The World  after 100 Years

           I can't say for sure whether the world will be a better or worse place after 100 years, because I think one part will change for the better, while another part will be worse. In the technology, everything has a different type. Many new machines have been invented. Those things will help people more efficiently.

            Everything is going to change more in the next ten years than it has in the last hundred, so it’s difficult to think about 100 years in the future. To think about an indefinite future is very interesting. No one knows the world of 100 years in the future. I just guess about it; however, I think it will be better to live then than now.

            After 100 years, I think that borders will disappear by the development of science and technology. In other words, the world will be united into one. By advances in transportation, people can move to other places easily, so dividing up the land is meaningless. People will move not only to other regions of the earth but also to other planets in space because the Earth is already full.for example , I can study abroad in the morning in the US  and eat the dinner with my family in saudi Arabia. every thing is Possible. In the past, our ancestors never imagined that he could travel to Kuwait during the hour only by plane from Riyadh.  our ancestors  were  traveled by  car for a week to Kuwait.

      in  the world after 100 years said "Have you ever imagine the world after 100 years. That is beyond the imegination of people around us. I have taken that oppurtunity to explian it. There will be horrible changes in all sectors of the world and it will reduce the factor of distance between two countries. There will be many changes in infrastructure, household, automobile , entertainment and many more".

             This world is full of the benefits of technology. Therefore, we are sometimes depending on technology too much. For example, one person would not move from house. He can order something to eat by telephone. He can also buy clothes by Internet. This kind of service is used delivery system, so he doesn’t need to move from his house. This is one of benefits of technology called transportation

                In conclusion, I believe that the world will change for the better in some aspects, for example, education will evolve by modern methods of teaching. On the other hand, the world will change for the  worse in some aspects, for example, social isolation will increase because the world  will be  Based on technology, especially  social medea.

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