Saturday, November 15, 2014

                                                        Time Is Money

           ‘Time is money’ is an axiom that stresses the importance of time and the need to use it productively. Time is the most precious thing in the world, for once lost, it can never recover.

          So, in a sense, it is more precious than money itself, for lost money can  recover if one works hard for it. There is another saying, ‘Time and tide wait for no man,’ which expresses this idea beautifully. We understand the importance of time only when it  lost.

             I think one who has wasted his time, and not studied, will not be able to pass in spite of being clever. In the office, a worker who makes full use of his time to do good work, will be much appreciated. He will receive promotions. Idle employees, who just waste time will receive no promotions. They cannot come up in life. So our success or failure depends on the right use of time.

             In time is gold said:" Every moment is special. Do not allow yourself to wallow in the past, regretting the things you failed to do or about decisions that went wrong. That is done and cannot be undone. Make every second count by staying awake and alert. Every day is a new adventure and you have to keep your eyes and ears open to new opportunities. It may not be opportunities like a big promotion or any instant get-rich chance, but it may be an opportunity for new experiences. You may just find a true friend in someone you meet unexpectedly. Who knows? You may even find love in the least likely of places. You may just pass this chance is you are too busy looking ahead to the future or simply daydreaming your time away".

           Three months ago, I thought that the time was very slow, and I hope that Times flies very  quickly  to finish my studies in WESL. Now, few  weeks  before the end of this semester. I do not no If I will pass or no, but I think I did what I could to do. The time is very fast. In the past,  I  did not know about my teachers  any things.I did not know  what  they Teaching methods and the way  of his or her test. Erin, Armand, Joseph  and Sara are my teachers in WESL.  I hope that time is running fast, but I do not wish farewell.I know that time passes quickly.  I will  take advantage of my time today, so I would like to thank every teacher in WESL. Because it is last blog  in this semester  I would say :"Thanks Erin, Thanks Armand, Thanks Joseph  and  Thanks Sara ."

                                                   Fast Food                 

             Fast food is a term used for ready to serve food sold by restaurants shops and other establishments that specialize in serving the food quickly. Also, frequently the food outlet forms a self-service format as compared to table service in regular full-service restaurants. Also, the fast food is often served in a packaged form that permits taking away or taking out the food and eating it at  places like park benches or in cars. People also eat such food while traveling in vehicles or even walking.

              Nowadays a lot of people prefer to eat out than to cook home. Going out for dinner is not a new habit at all. From medieval times, people had places in the town where they could drink and eat. At present, these types of places are called restaurants,  cafes, fast foods, etc. There are many reasons for which people enjoy eating out: meeting friends, having fun; less time spent in the kitchen, more time for themselves, etc. Time is one of the main reasons. People are extremely busy nowadays, thus, cooking home is seen like wasting time in vain. For example, I am studying abroad and sometimes I do not have time to cook. I eat fast food. Sometimes I have test or homework. I do not like fast food, but we need to eat fast food sometimes because of  a busy life

                 In Healthy, Fast Food said:"The truth is that it’s extremely difficult to follow a healthy diet when you’re regularly eating  at fast food restaurants. Fast food is typically high in trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and calories. And it also tends to be low in nutrients and almost totally lacking in fruits, vegetables, and fiber".

                  Even though fast food industry offers employment opportunities to many people, it is vital to put into account the detrimental effects of these restaurants. It is absurd that many people do not take the time to think of the content and the mode of preparation of the foods they purchase. Fast food leads to  obesity, Cancer, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease and increased risk for developing hypertension, asthma and high cholesterol

                  In summary, We need to organize our time to avoid eating fast food. My suggestion to you I do not  Prevent you to eat fast food but try  avoid eating saturated fat. Also, Try to eat healthy eating such as fish, shrimp, salads and  juices

Sunday, November 9, 2014

                                      The World  after 100 Years

           I can't say for sure whether the world will be a better or worse place after 100 years, because I think one part will change for the better, while another part will be worse. In the technology, everything has a different type. Many new machines have been invented. Those things will help people more efficiently.

            Everything is going to change more in the next ten years than it has in the last hundred, so it’s difficult to think about 100 years in the future. To think about an indefinite future is very interesting. No one knows the world of 100 years in the future. I just guess about it; however, I think it will be better to live then than now.

            After 100 years, I think that borders will disappear by the development of science and technology. In other words, the world will be united into one. By advances in transportation, people can move to other places easily, so dividing up the land is meaningless. People will move not only to other regions of the earth but also to other planets in space because the Earth is already full.for example , I can study abroad in the morning in the US  and eat the dinner with my family in saudi Arabia. every thing is Possible. In the past, our ancestors never imagined that he could travel to Kuwait during the hour only by plane from Riyadh.  our ancestors  were  traveled by  car for a week to Kuwait.

      in  the world after 100 years said "Have you ever imagine the world after 100 years. That is beyond the imegination of people around us. I have taken that oppurtunity to explian it. There will be horrible changes in all sectors of the world and it will reduce the factor of distance between two countries. There will be many changes in infrastructure, household, automobile , entertainment and many more".

             This world is full of the benefits of technology. Therefore, we are sometimes depending on technology too much. For example, one person would not move from house. He can order something to eat by telephone. He can also buy clothes by Internet. This kind of service is used delivery system, so he doesn’t need to move from his house. This is one of benefits of technology called transportation

                In conclusion, I believe that the world will change for the better in some aspects, for example, education will evolve by modern methods of teaching. On the other hand, the world will change for the  worse in some aspects, for example, social isolation will increase because the world  will be  Based on technology, especially  social medea.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


                      confidence. Some people are born with it, some have to work for it, and others do not know how to obtain it. It is something either one has or does not, but can always be accomplished over time. The question that many want answered it “what can I do to gain confidence?” I have learned that confidence is hard to achieve, but with friends, trust, and time it can be reached.

                     In Building Self-Confidence said :"Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful."

                       The denotation of confidence is the “belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities.” Everybody is lacking confidence in something; not everyone is perfect. Whether it be giving a speech in front of the class, competing in a large competition, or accepting one’s appearance, people lack the confidence needed to enjoy life. Helen Keller said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” This quote is absolutely true because if one does not have confidence they can never achieve or go beyond what they want to do.

                   Some people have so much confidence that they are not afraid to do anything. Others are the complete opposite, and are scared of being judged or ridiculed by others. Self-confidence cannot be taught, but is reached by the individual when they decide to believe in themselves. In order to attain self-confidence, one needs to believe that they can do the task at hand. It cannot be accomplished overnight, but slowly gets stronger and stronger over a period of time. One of the major ways to obtain confidence is acting like one is confident, even when not. Acting will transfer into truly being self-confident and having high self-esteem. Another way to gain confidence is by talking to others. My example of gaining confidence is a true testament that this works. Talking to people that care will lift one up by talking about one’s terrific skills, boosting confidence level immediately.

                  In conclusion, confidence is a characteristic that everyone struggles with at one point, but can be achieved by trusting one’s abilities and speaking with others that are supportive. Mark Twain once said, “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” Being comfortable in one’s own skin is the key to achievement and enjoyment in life, so start with some confidence.
