Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weddings in Saudi Arabia                                           

                   Weddings in Saudi Arabia are very much different than weddings in the states in every shape and aspect. But first let me give you an overview of how people get married to each other. Since having a relationship between a man and a woman is forbidden in Islam, getting proposed to directly from a guy that you know is not an option. The way things work is, when a guy wants to get married he would ask his mother and sisters to look for a bride and when every they find a bride that they think will be perfect  would go to the girls house and the guy will propose to her father. Then the girl has to see that guy and the guy must see the girl as well. In Marriages in Saudi Arabia said: "Marriage in Saudi Arabia is propagated by the elders of the prospective bride and the initiation of the proposal from the groom's side may be by himself to her father or through his parents. Generally womenfolk keep an eye for the eligible bride around like the groom's sister or mother who would look for the alliance as per his preference. After seeing an alliance, they would inform the prospective groom or the father of the groom who would then try to contact the family members of the groom.". So in Islam there is something that is called eshofa eshreya. It is like going out for a cup of coffee with a guy/girl to get to know her before getting serious and see if she/ he is perfect for you. So after eshofa eshreya the father asks the girl if she wants him as a husband what is know about Saudi marriages on the media is wrong it is always the girls choice to choose who every she wants to get married to no one can force her to get married it is a non Muslim act to do so plus the Shakh “the person who marry them has to hear the brides O.K. to this marriage otherwise it is a wrong one and if she does, the guy must provide the girl with something that is called mahr. Mahr is an amount of mony or any thing that is considered wealth to the given country that should be given to the bride as a symbol that the this bride who is getting married is a preciouses one and she is not being given away so simply. Mahr varies in types based on different cultures, here in Saudi Arabia the type of mahr is money. Almost all guys when they want to get married they have to save up LOTS of money in order to get married. Of course Mahr is something that is an obligation from the groom to the bride by Islamic law. Nowadays people get crazy with mahr it can get up to millions of dollars to thousands. The median amount of mahr would be between 20,000-15,000 dollars. There are other things and gifts that should be provided for the bride when on the engagement day for example: he must provide here with a full set of diamond or gold earnings, nucleus, bracelet, a non engagement ring, and an engagement ring, new furniture for their home, a wedding, and in some families even the brides dress must be paid by the groom . On  the other hand, Unlike The United States, Saudi Arabian marriages starts after 9:00pm and can last until 7:00am. The bride will walk down the aisle somewhere around 12:00am-1:00am.Normally in Saudi Arabia weddings are celebrated in to two separate weeding halls. One is for male weddings and the other is for females .I think  the wedding in Saudi  Arabia is very expensive.  ..

Monday, October 13, 2014

My daughter Is my Happiness

                All people in the world want to find happiness in the life. There are a lot of these think the happiness start when we have a nice home or car or have a good job .All that focus  money ,money and money." but actually money buys less happiness only up to a certain point " by Elizwpeth Dunn in 6 things you must know  about money and happiness. I think  Dunn says what I want to say. When we have a lot of money  and travel to all the world , buy jewry and buy a beautiful house and find a good job which have a huge salary. Do you think that mean for happiness? In addition , some time find happiness  when you have a daughter . This daughter makes you life happy. I feel happiness when I see her face front me .    If someone say to me "I will give you 10000000 $ and  give me your daughter " I will say no even if you double This number I will say no. because  my happiness does not come with home or job or money. My  a big happiness with my daughter .

Monday, October 6, 2014

When the life Close the Window

               Everyone in this world has some  problem  and thinks  the window is   closed in his life. Everyone has a dream but some time the life Breaks  our dreams. For  example ,   when I was 10 years old  my father  bought  for me a nurses outfit. I loved this clothes; in addition,  my father bought toys for nurse. I grew up with my dream to become a nurse. When I graduate from high school  my father changed his job. We moved to another city. The big problem was there was not University to  study nursing. I cried and I thought all the window  in my life was closed. I hated myself and I  hated my life.  When I felt sad I decided to study anything because I did not care. My father said to me :' I advise you to examine  Mathematics" in the past I did not care so I studied Math.  I studied Math in the first year and I love it . I graduated from  my university and  I got excellent grades. My university Chose me to became a teacher in it. And is sent me to study abroad in the US." It’s not always easy to move on. It’s not always easy to see the windows that the Universe opens after closing a door. Processing a loss happens in its own time, and it cannot be rushed.What I’ve learned, though, is that I’ve been happier when I’ve made the best of how things work out. When I’ve made the best of what was in front of me, things have always rather miraculously worked out." By Melissa Dinwiddie in Finding a Window of Opportunity When Life Closes a Door. I think it is the  truth. life has a lot of windows. When a window closes in   front your dream do not be sad. Some time God give  us the way that  is  the best for our future . if  you ask me what I do if there is university for nursing when I moved   with  my father ? do you go to study your dream or study math ? I will answer you I will chose Math.